Play Network Studio's latest crime-thriller, "Blood Vessel," has claimed the top spot on Netflix's most-viewed chart, boasting an...
Read MorePlay Network Studio's latest crime-thriller, "Blood Vessel," has claimed the top spot on Netflix's most-viewed chart, boasting an...
Read MorePlay Network Studios and Mondjila Studios have embarked on a Pan-African collaboration that would create a new chapter in the history of African...
Read MorePlay Network Studios and Mondjila Studios have embarked on a Pan-African collaboration that would create a new chapter in the history of African...
Read MoreKarishika, one of the most memorable Nollywood classics, is set for a reboot as the Charles Okpaleke-led Play Network Studios acquires IP rights...
Read MoreKarishika, one of the most memorable Nollywood classics, is set for a reboot as the Charles Okpaleke-led Play Network Studios acquires IP rights...
Read MoreArafat Bello-Osagie, a UK-trained Nigerian lawyer with expertise in corporate legal strategy, brand differentiation strategy, negotiations,...
Read MoreArafat Bello-Osagie, a UK-trained Nigerian lawyer with expertise in corporate legal strategy, brand differentiation strategy, negotiations,...
Read MoreNigerian filmmaker Charles Okpaleke has announced an upcoming movie titled "Ekwumekwu." The movie according to the filmmaker will be...
Read MoreNigerian filmmaker Charles Okpaleke has announced an upcoming movie titled "Ekwumekwu." The movie according to the filmmaker will be...
Read MoreFrom feature films to TV series, these projects captured audiences from across the world with compelling stories. Using the Points Ranking...
Read MoreFrom feature films to TV series, these projects captured audiences from across the world with compelling stories. Using the Points Ranking...
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